Advanced Benefit Services - Medicare and Senior Coverage

Medicare and

Senior Coverage


The transition from the active workforce into retirement and Medicare can be a daunting challenge. We are used to going to the boss or the HR Administrator for answers, but now we find ourselves on our own. It is easy to feel like we are walking on a high wire while juggling balls labeled Social Security, Medicare, Part D, Supplements and donut hole; where any mistake, even a tiny one can be disastrous.


All of a sudden the Retiree needs to be the shopper, the buyer, the Administrator and the user!


We can help.


The two essential elements in helping seniors with Medicare issues are:


  • Taking the time to listen to you, to understand you and your specific needs.
  • Effectively communicating the costs, benefits, and even the risks of various options for coverage.


Our process begins several months before age 65 or retirement. We will ask for a complete list of medications taken so that we can be specific in our recommendations. Then we will ask to meet with the Retiree and their spouse. We take great pride in helping them understand the process of:


  • The three ways you can apply for Medicare.
  • Understanding what Medicare covers and doesn’t cover.
  • Evaluating which supplemental plan and Insurance Company is best suited to you.
  • How to understand and obtain Medicare Part D- prescription coverage.
  • What you can do each year to keep your costs as low as possible.


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